We are excited to announce the launch of a new webinar series, hosted by the ILAE British Branch.
These five webinars are designed to cater to the ongoing educational needs of our members. Integrated with our annual scientific meetings, the programme covers a wide range of subject areas, featuring insights from international experts alongside top home-grown talent.
The series will start from Thursday 13th March 2025 and will run to Thursday 16 October 2025.
All webinars will all start at 1800 hrs. Each webinar will last for 60 minutes.
The ILAE British Branch is most grateful to Angelini Pharma UK-I for its sponsorship of the 2025 Webinar Series. Angelini Pharma UK-I has no input into the agenda of these webinars.
Registration is free but is restricted to health care professionals/ those working in the field of epilepsy.
The link to register to join the webinars is: https://forms.gle/RNUsQ5eWoi8anoXWA
Registrants will then receive a link to the webinar once their Health Care Professional status has been verified.
You can register at any time during the duration of the webinar series.
Reminders will be sent in advance of each webinar. Please see below details of the first two webinars. Additional titles to follow soon.
Webinar Schedule
Webinar one: Thursday 13 March 2025
Patient reported outcome measures.
Chair: Professor Charlotte Lawthom.
Epilepsy Clinical Lead , Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.
Honorary Chair, Swansea University, School of Life Sciences.
What should we measure?
Dr James Mitchell – Neurology registrar, the Walton Centre NHS FT
Patient reported outcome measures.
Marte Roa Sevingson.
Head of Research | Drammen Hospital
MD PhD | Department of Neurology | Vestre Viken Hospital Trust
Head of VVCN | Vestre Viken Clinical Neuroscience
Head of EpilepsiNett | Norwegian network for evidence-based epilepsy care
Webinar two: Thursday 1 May 2025
Chair: Dr Rhys Thomas
ILAE British Branch President
Reader in Epilepsy, Newcastle University
Honorary Consultant in Epilepsy, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
How to make your epilepsy service Autism and NDD friendly.
Professor Lance Watkins
Consultant Psychiatrist
Visiting Professor University of South Wales
Associate Professor (Hon) University of Plymouth
Modelling the developing brain.
Dr Faye McLeod
Epilepsy Research Institute UK Fellow
Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University
Recordings of the webinars will be made available to ILAE British Branch members.
ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Purple Day Genetics Webinar
- The Epilepsiome – understanding genetics within the epilepsies
- Professor Ingo Helbig, Paediatric Neurologist and Director of Genomic Science, University Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Whole genome NHS genetic testing for patients with epilepsy in the UK
- Professor Henry Holden, Professor of Neurology and Neurogenetics, Institute of Neurology, UCL
During 2022 the ILAE British Branch ran a successful webinar series, made possible by an unrestricted education grant from UCB Pharma. Recordings of previous webinars:
During 2021 the ILAE ran a successful webinar series, made possible by an unrestricted education grant from Arvelle Therapeutics.
During 2020 the ILAE ran a successful webinar series, made possible by an unrestricted education grant from Bial Pharma.
Webinars are free to members of the ILAE British Branch, and a code will be required to access them. For the code, please email the membership office on: members@ilaebritish.org.uk