The ILAE British Branch will be hosting a meeting on 9 September 2016 in London on the day-to-day management of in-patients admitted for video-EEG telemetry. The emphasis will be on anti-epileptic drug reduction, rescue and reinstatement regimens.
The expected outcome of the meeting will be:
1. A guidance and consensus document (rather than guidelines) recognising that there is not a one size fits all, but that common experience and themes should be shared.
2. A basis for prospectively collecting a minimal dataset for all admissions to UK units that can inform future practice.
We would like to invite the designated clinical lead, or their nominated representative, from all UK paediatric and adult centres with inpatient video EEG monitoring to attend the meeting.
Please email members@ilaebritish.org.uk if you carry out inpatient video EEG, and let us know the name and contact details of your designated clinical lead or representative, and interest in attending the meeting.
Thank you very much.
With best wishes,
Manny Bagary,
Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust, ILAE British Branch Council member
Khalid Hamandi, Consultant Neurologist, University Hospital of Wales, ILAE British Branch Council member
Juliet Solomon, Executive Director, ILAE British Branch