From : Free
Date & Time: 10:00am Saturday 23rd until 15:45 on Sunday 24th September 2017.
Venue: Oxford Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford.
Registration fees:
- Reduced Early Bird rate of £200.00 incl. VAT (+ card processing charge). From the 26th October until the 23rd December 2016.
- Standard registration fee is £230.00 incl. VAT (+ card processing charge). From the 24th December 2016 until the date of the meeting, the standard rate will apply.
The registration fee includes:
- Accommodation at St Anne’s College on Sat 23 Sept and breakfast on Sunday morning
- Attendance at all lectures and parallel sessions
- Lunch and refreshments throughout the weekend
- An electronic copy of the latest version of the Epilepsy Teaching Notes
Why attend?
Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disease in the UK and seizure disorders are seen frequently in both the neurology clinics and on the hospital wards. A sound grasp of the principles and pitfalls of epilepsy management is essential in order to diagnose and treat patients effectively and safely. This weekend course delivers a comprehensive and contemporary approach to establishing a confident diagnosis, selecting and interpreting the most appropriate investigations, choosing the correct medical and surgical treatments and tailoring epilepsy management to specific populations such as the children, women and patients with intellectual disability.
This weekend course has been approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 11 category 1 (external) CPD credits.
Programme, accommodation, venue and travel details:
Please find below the link to the website where you can view the programme, accommodation, venue and travel details.
Booking your place:
Click on the enclosed link to book your place today.
And if you have any questions about the event then please feel free to contact Ken at ken@activateevents.com