New format South Wales Epilepsy Study Day – Inaugural meeting to be held on the 5th May, 2016. All ILAE British Branch members are welcome to attend.
Two key note speakers – Professor Matthew Walker and Professor Markus Reuber.
With talks and breakout sessions from Joe Anderson, Khalid Hamandi, Ann Johnston, Owen Pickrell, Malisa Pierri and Rob Powell.
The day is aimed at neurologists, physicians, psychiatrist- consultants and trainees; and epilepsy specialist nurses and allied health care professionals with an interest in epilepsy.
CPD accreditation is being applied for.
The meeting will take place at the excellent Cardiff Millennium Centre (click to link to website).
We are grateful for industry sponsorship including Eisai Ltd, Specialist Products and UCB Pharma.
Please click here to view the programme and register.