Date: Friday 10th – Saturday 11th March, 2017
At: Epilepsy Society / UCL MRI-Unit, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, SL9 0RJ
Places limited to 30 on first come first served basis and cost:
• £350 (consultant) • £250 (radiographer, SHO, nurse, SpR, PhD/MSc student)
• £25 discount for ILAE British Branch Members. (You can join the ILAE here).
The first UK-ILAE Neuroimaging Course aims to provide both an overview and a solid foundation in state-of-the-art MRI scanning in epilepsy. The course will:
• Consist of lectures and small-group tutorials given by experienced MRI-clinicians /researchers
• Cover aspects of structural and functional MRI acquisition and analysis
• Train participants on real patient data in hands-on laboratory exercises
On completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
• Employ MRI to influence the clinical management of patients with epilepsy
• Select appropriate MRI sequences
• Distinguish clinical and MR features of different etiologies
• Understand the role of advanced MR acquisition and post-processing analysis methods
The registration fee includes all course materials, a certificate of attendance, refreshments and meals.
Note that accommodation is not included in the price but is available. Visit the registration page for further information.
Matthias Koepp Juliet Solomon
Course Organiser Executive Director, ILAE, British Chapter
For further information, please visit contact members@ilaebritish.org.uk
Final Programme
Day 1, Friday 10 March 2017
08:30 – 09:00 Registration and Refreshments (ESRC)
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and Introduction
09:15 – 09:45 Lecture: Size of the problem (J. Duncan)
09:45 – 10:15 Lecture: MR-physics for medics part I: T1, T2, artefacts (S Vos)
10:15 – 10:45 Lecture: Neuroradiology for neurologists (F Woermann)
10:45 – 11:15 Refreshments (ESRC)
11:15 – 11:45 Lecture: Quantitative (automated) image analysis (G, Winston)
11:45 – 12:15 Lecture: Voxel-based analysis (S Keller)
12:15 – 12:45 Open questions & answers session
12:45 – 13:45 Lunch (ESRC)
13:45 – 19:15 Tutorials
1) Anatomy rehearsal
2) Data acquisition and protocols
3) MRI qualitative reporting of paediatric and adult MRI
4) MRI quantitative analysis: hippocampal volumetry / VBM
Tour of the Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy (Optional)
15:45 – 16:00 Refreshments (MRI Unit)
17:30 – 17:45 Refreshments (MRI Unit)
20:00 Dinner at the Ivy House
Day 2, Saturday 11 March 2017
09:15 – 09:45 Lecture: MR-physics for medics part II: Diffusion imaging (S Vos)
09:45 -10.15 Lecture: Structural Imaging and Connectivity (M Yogorajah)
10:15 – 10:45 Lecture: Functional MRI – Basics (C Vollmar)
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee (ESRC)
11:15 – 11:45 Lecture: Resting fMRI / EEG-fMRI and Connectivity (K Hamandi)
11.45 – 12:15 Lecture: Language fMRI (F Woermann)
12:15 – 12:45 Lecture: Memory fMRI (B Wandschneider)
12:45 – 13:15 Open questions & answer session
13:15 – 14:00 Lunch (ESRC)
14:00 – 17:45 Tutorials
5) Basic/advance tractography / TBSS
6) Basic/advanced fMRI paradigms for motor, language and memory
15:15 – 15:30 Refreshments (MRI Unit)
16:30 – 16:45 Refreshments (MRI Unit)
17:50 – 18:30 Conclusions, quiz and feedback (ESRC-Lecture Room)
18:30 End of course
Mrs Jane Burdett (JB), Radiographer, UCL Institute of Neurology.
Dr Lorenzo Caciagli – Epilepsy Research fellow, UCL and Pisa, Italy
Dr Maria Centeno – Post-doc Neurophysiology, UCLH and GOSH, and Barcelona, Spain
Prof John Duncan (JD), Professor of Neurology, UCL Institute of Neurology.
Dr Khalid Hamandi (KH), Consultant Neurologist, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical
Neuroscience, Cardiff University.
Prof Alexander Hammers (AH), Professor (Honorary Consultant) of Imaging and Neuroscience
Head of PET Imaging Centre, St Thomas’ Hospital, London.
Mrs Andrea Hill (AH), Super-intendant Radiographer, UCL Institute of Neurology
Dr Simon Keller (SK), Lecturer Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Translational
Medicine,University of Liverpool.
Dr Karin Trimmel (KT), Research fellow, UCL Institute of Neurology.
Dr Christian Vollmar (CV), Oberarzt, Klinikum der Universität München, Germany.
Dr Sjoerd Vos (SV), MR physicist, Epilepsy Society, Chalfont Center for Epilepsy, and Translational
Imaging Group, UCL.
Dr Britta Wandschneider (BW), Specialist Registrar Neurology, Berlin, Germany.
Dr Gavin Winston (GW), MRC Clinical Scientist, UCL Institute of Neurology.
Dr Friedrich Woermann (FW), Oberarzt, MRI Unit, Epilepsiezentrum Bethel, Bielefeld, Germany.
Dr Mahinda Yogarajah (MY), Consultant Neurologist, St Georges Hospital, London.
Tutorial & translation support
Ms Bianca Blasi – PhD student MR physics UCL and Rome, Italy
Dr Guiseppe Borzi – Epilepsy fellow, UCL and Calabria, Italy
Ms Monika Czech – Research nurse, UCLH
Dr Marian Galovic – PhD student MRI/PET, UCL and St Gallen, Switzerland
Dr Georg Leonhard – Neurologist, UCLH and University Freiburg, Germany
Dr Fenglai Xiao – PhD student MRI/fMRI, UCL and Chengdu, China