2018 ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Course

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From : Free

Date: Thursday 22nd – Saturday 24th March 2018

Venue: Multiple Locations:

Thursday: UCL Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging (FIL) 12 Queen Sq., London, WC1N 3BG
Friday & Saturday: MRI Unit, Chalfont Centre, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, SL9 0RJ

Registration fee:  Early bird rate now available.

For more information and to register, visit the event page Eventbrite - The 2018 ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Teaching Course


The ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Course was successfully launched in March 2017 and is now in its second year. Open to all healthcare professionals and affiliates and MSc/PhD students, the 3-day course aims to provide both an overview and a solid foundation in state-of-the-art MRI and PET scanning in epilepsy.

The course will:

•Consist of lectures and small-group tutorials given by experienced MRI- and PET-clinicians / researchers

•Cover aspects of structural and functional MRI acquisition and analysis

•Provide introduction in physical principles and clinical applications of PET-MR

•Train participants on real patients’ data in hands-on laboratory exercises.

On completion of the course, the participants will be able to:

•Employ MRI and PET to influence the clinical management of patients with epilepsy

•Select appropriate MRI sequences, and distinguish clinical and MR features of different etiologies

•Understand the role of advanced MRI and PET-MR acquisition and post-processing analysis methods.

Places are limited to 30 people on first come first served basis.

Registration fee inclusive of course materials, certificate of attendance, meals, refreshments etc.

We have reserved a limited number of rooms for delegates at The Ivy House and The Greyhound Inn. These are available as an additional extra when booking, on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to reserve a room then please email your request to Hannah at members@ilaebritish.org.uk

Early bird rate now available.

For more information and to register, visit the event page Eventbrite - The 2018 ILAE British Branch Epilepsy Neuroimaging Teaching Course


Day 1: Thursday 22nd March – London

Time Description
08:30 to 8:45 Registration and refreshments
08:45 to 09:00 Welcome statement & introduction
09:00 to 09:45 Lecture: Size of the problem
Professor John Duncan
09:45 to 10:40 Lecture: MR-Physics for medics part 1: T1 and T2 artefacts
Dr. S Vos
10:40 to 11:00 Refreshments
11:00 to 12:00 Lecture: Neuroradiology for neurologists
Dr. F Woermann
12:00 to 13:00 Lecture: Voxel-based analysis
Dr. J Ashburner
13:15 to 14:15 Lunch
October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AL
14:15 to 17:15 Modules

A. Gower’sRound;Telemetry/MDT
B. PET / MR (UCLH) – M Galovic, B Blasi, E Arstad, J Dickson

18:00 to 19:00

Lecture (Wolfson): Image analysis in temporal lobe epilepsy

Andrea Bernasconi
19:15 to 20:00 Drink Reception (Basement 33 Queen Square)
20:00 Transfer to Chalfont


Day 2: Friday 23rd March – Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy


Time Description
09:00 to 10:00 Lecture (Gowers Seminar Room): Neuroanatomy
Professor A. Hammers
10:00 to 11:00 Lecture: Image analysis in extra-temporal lobe epilepsy
A Bernasconi
11:00 to 11:20 Refreshments (ESRC)
11:20 to 13:20 Tutorials (groups of 6)

  • MRI acquisitions – A Hill, L Caciagli
  • Hippocampal volumetry – J Burdett
  • Qualitative visual analysis – C Vollmar, F Woermann
  • Quantitative analysis – A Bernasconi
13:30 to 14:30 Lunch (ESRC)
14:00 to 14:30 Walking Tour Epilepsy Society (optional)
14:30 to 18:50 Tutorials (groups of 6)
16:30 to 16:50 Refreshments
19:45 Dinner at the Ivy House


Day 3: Saturday 24th March – Chalfont Centre, Epilepsy Society

Time Description
09:00 to 09:30 Lecture (Gowers Seminar Room): MR-physics for medics part II: Diffusion imaging –
S Vos
09:30 to 10:00 Lecture: BOLD response and resting state –
M Hutel
10:00 to 10:30 Lecture: Functional imaging and connectivity
C Vollmar
10:30 to 10:45 Refreshments (ESRC)
10:45 to 11:15 Lecture: Structural connectivity, connectomics
Dr. Simon Keller
11:15 to 11:45 Lecture: 7T MRI –
M Symms
11:50 to 13:30 Modules 1 & 2

  • Clinical fMRI (motor & language)
  • Advanced fMRI (memory)
  • EEG-fMRI
  • Resting state
  • DTI/Tractography
  • Big data (VBM)
  • Multi-modal imaging
  • Pediatric structural imaging and fMRI
  • Connectomics
  • 7T- MRI
  • PET
13:30 to 14:15 Lunch (ESRC)

14:15 to 16:00

Modules 3 & 4

16:00 to 16:15 Refreshments
16:15 to 18:00 Module 5 & 6
18:15 to 18:30 Conclusions, quiz and feedback
18:30 End of course

International League Against Epilepsy British Branch

Email: members@ilaebritish.org.uk | Twitter: @ilaebritish

Mailing : ILAE, Institute of Neurology, 7 fl. Queen Square House, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG