Date: Thursday 15th February 2018
Venue: Institute of Neurology, 33 Queen Square, WC1N 3AY
Registration fee:
Early Bird rate £85.55
Standard rate: £116.35
Brief outline of the course:
A well-established 1-day course for junior doctors and other health professionals with an interest in epilepsy.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. In the UK, 600,000 or one in every 103 people has epilepsy and each day 87 people are diagnosed with epilepsy. The ILAE British Branch Clinical Epilepsy Course was successfully launched in 2014 and is now an annual event. The aim of the course is to provide a high quality education for junior doctors and allied health professions to develop a comprehensive and clear understanding of the diagnosis and management of patients with epilepsy.
The one day course takes the format of lectured style teaching and video sessions. The course content has been carefully tailored to cover a wide variety of topics related to epilepsy management for clinicians both in hospital and community settings. Each topic is founded on the latest clinical evidence and presented in a practical manner including detailed case discussions.
The course is aimed at FY1 and FY2 junior doctors, core trainees (CT 1/2), specialist trainees (ST 1/2) and specialist registrars in fields such as neurology, psychiatry, neuropsychology, neurosurgery, acute and emergency medicine. The ILAE Clinical Epilepsy Course is also aimed at GP trainees and general practitioners and other professionals are welcome to apply.
Time | Description |
09:15 to 10:00 |
Registration and refreshments |
10:00 to 10:15 |
Welcome statement Professor Matthew Walker, Professor of Clinical Neurology, UCL Institute of Neurology, London |
10:15 to 10:30 |
What all people with epilepsy need to know Dr John Paul Leach, Consultant Neurologist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow; Honorary Associate Clinical Professor & Head of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Glasgow |
10:30 to 11:00 |
Surgery for refractory epilepsy Dr. Doug McCorry, Consultant Neurologist, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham |
11:00 to 11:30 |
How to, why to – MRI Dr John Paul Leach, Consultant Neurologist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow; Honorary Associate Clinical Professor & Head of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Glasgow |
11:30 to 12:30 |
How to, why to – EEG and video session Professor Matthew Walker, Professor of Clinical Neurology, UCL Institute of Neurology, London |
12:30 to 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 to 14:15 |
Antiepileptic drugs: indications and side effects Dr. Doug McCorry, Consultant Neurologist, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham |
Case discussions: | |
14:15 to 14:40 |
First seizure – Dr John Paul Leach, Consultant Neurologist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow; Honorary Associate Clinical Professor &Head of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Glasgow |
14:40 to 15:00 |
Long term epilepsy – Dr. Manny Bagary, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Trust |
15:00 to 15:30 |
Refreshment break |
Case discussions: | |
15:30 to 15:50 |
Pregnancy and epilepsy – Dr John Paul Leach, Consultant Neurologist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow; Honorary Associate Clinical Professor & Head of Undergraduate Medicine, University of Glasgow |
15:50 to 16:10 |
Status epilepticus – Professor Matthew Walker, Professor of Clinical Neurology, UCL Institute of Neurology, London |
16:10 to 16:30 |
Epilepsy in the elderly – Dr Sanjeev Rajakulendran, Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgey, London |
16:30 to 16:50 |
Epilepsy in children Dr. Ronit Pressler, Consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology, Great Ormond Street Hospital & Honorary Senior Lecturer, UCL Institute of Child Health, London |
16:50 to 17:10 |
Non-epileptic attack disorder and depression – Dr. Manny Bagary, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Trust |
17:10 to 17:30 |
Summary and close |
International League Against Epilepsy British Branch
Email: members@ilaebritish.org.uk | Twitter: @ilaebritish