This course aims to provide high quality education to junior doctors developing understanding of the diagnosis and management of patients with epilepsy.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. In the UK, 600,000 or one in every 103 people has epilepsy and each day 87 people are diagnosed with epilepsy. The aim of the Concise Clinical Epilepsy Course for Junior Doctors is to provide high quality education to give an understanding of the diagnosis and management of patients with epilepsy.
The one day course takes the format of lectured style teaching and video sessions and the course content has been carefully tailored to cover a wide variety of topics related to epilepsy management for clinicians both in hospital and community settings. Each topic is founded on the latest clinical evidence and presented in a practical manner including detailed case discussions.
The course is aimed at FY1 and FY2 junior doctors, core trainees (CT 1/2), specialist trainees (ST 1/2) and specialist registrars in fields such as Neurology, Psychiatry, Neuropsychology, Neurosurgery, Acute and Emergency medicine. The ILAE Concise Clinical Epilepsy Course is also aimed at GP trainees and general practitioners but other professionals are welcome to apply.
Why choose the Concise Clinical Epilepsy Course?
– Excellent feedback from previous delegates
– Will help improve your practice on the wards and in general practice
– Interactive learning and exposure to real life cases
– Use as part of your Personal Development Plan (eportfolio, MRCP)
– Affordable course price
The ticket gets you admission to the course, two refreshment breaks and a buffet lunch. Certificates of attendance will be available after the event by emailing the course organisers.
Approximately 100 places are available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Additional information about the course topics and speakers and to register your place, Register on Eventbrite!
Feel free to circulate course details and the the programme to friends and colleagues or display the event flyer within your institution or university.
What Have Delegates Been Saying About The Course…
“Excellent overview of epilepsy. Lots of topics covered. Engaging, enthusiastic speakers. Videos of seizures and epilepsy in special groups particularly useful.” FY2 Doctor, 2014
“I haven’t seen many people having a seizure so it was very helpful to see different types and also to see how closely syncope can mimic a seizure.” Dr. Amy McCulloch – 5th Year Medical Student, 2015
“Really enjoyed the video session with Dr Walker to give an overview of recognising different types of epilepsy – The diagnostic sessions (EEG, MRI) were very useful to know when to use these investigations in the first instance and when they may be appropriate – Status epilepticus section very useful to know how to manage these patients on the wards and in the emergency dept.” Dr. Samia Elkommos – CT1, 2015
“The venue and the organization were perfect. The speakers were great. The content of the presentations was informative and practical.” Dr. Bruno Silva- Psychiatry Resident, 2014
“Very well organised. Interesting speakers. Good use of video clips. At the right level for junior doctors. Fantastic day, thank you!” FY2 Doctor, 2014
“Dr Leach’s lectures were awesome- pitched just right for junior doctor level with a good level of understandable relevant info which will help me as an A&E SHO and GP trainee. The food was AMAZING! And the venue and staff were lovely.” GPST1, 2014
“The speakers were knowledgeable and very enthusiastic, which made the day more interactive and enjoyable. It was a useful course for all doctors, no matter what grade or previous experience they had had. (For example, as a GP trainee, I appreciated the section on contraception and AEDs).” Dr. Puja Prohit – GP VTS ST1, 2014
“Great event Thank you to the ILAE for organising this. It’s so nice to receive such high quality training; most postgrad courses are extremely expensive and it’s marvellous that through passion for improving care for people with epilepsy, we are able to benefit from this day.” Dr. Sophie Binks – FY1, 2014